Episode 6 Delayed

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Episode 6 Delayed

Post by Wolfschadowe » Mon Mar 07, 2016 7:24 pm

I think most of us knew this was coming, since we are doing two inclusions, (Three really, but that's more behind the scenes and won't be visible in EP6.)

Sizing is still in flux as I translate my outline notes into actual storyboard frames, but there are changes to:
Wednesday Strip Club (About 200-300 pages for Azumi/Natalie)
Wednesday Home (About 75-150 pages for Azumi/Natalie not counting updated recap)
Thursday Office (About 125-250 pages for Jasmine)
Thursday afternoon home (about 25-100 pages for Jasmine and Azumi/Natalie)

It's also all new content, as I haven't been working ahead on inclusions, like I have on the original content.

It was originally announced, maybe a year ago on the lagoon forum that an inclusion would take 6 months instead of the usual 3-4. By that math, three inclusions will take 18 months! Don't worry, it won't take that long. There is a small chance that we'll be able to release by the end of April, making the episode a 4 month run, but I'm thinking the end of May is most likely, with the end of June a small possibility also.

I'm not telling an official release at this point, but the unofficial target is May, with a chance of April or June. :)

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Re: Episode 6 Delayed

Post by palinathas » Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:26 pm

I'm sure I speak for many/most when I say the quality is worth the wait. Would rather you don't rush, and keep up the great work.

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Re: Episode 6 Delayed

Post by JFR » Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:59 pm

palinathas wrote:I'm sure I speak for many/most when I say the quality is worth the wait. ...
+1. A delay is, of course, disappointing but I agree completely with palinathas. The standard for quality already set in this project is something worth preserving.

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Re: Episode 6 Delayed

Post by d22249 » Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:57 pm

Delay or just an extra big episode that wasn't even partially "in the pipe"? Even if you just use your projected minimums its 425 pages.

I think it's better to do this now rather than later. Some of the reasons for this (discussed in various other places):

Most (all?) saves would no longer work after each inclusion. Better to do them all now;

The patrons voted for it overwhelmingly;

Continuity in the various pages could be a challenge, as demonstrated in the Lunch Patron Forum. The further we go before an inclusion the bigger the problem.

Doing this now might actually save time in the long run.

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Re: Episode 6 Delayed

Post by ut1stgear » Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:24 am

I agree that the inclusions would cause fewer problems with continuity later. They should bring some closure to the first two days of Brad's week. Besides it will give me time to catch up with all the episodes. Had some problems with my comp that kept me from playing BEW offlne. Those have been corrected so I can now play on or offline and just import saves and achievements from off to online sites.

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Re: Episode 6 Delayed

Post by VanSinn » Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:52 pm

Having just found out about this game, I must confess that I'm just a bit more than a tad disappointed to hear of a April-May-June timeframe for an update. I will say, however, that this project is far and away my favorite erotic adventure. Brad isn't simply some lump that girls throw themselves onto, and while some of the girls seem to "open up" a little quickly, with the right choices you see that there's a past history between Brad and them that makes it plausible. The history of flirtatious conversations with Faith, the surreptitious "nice perv-ing" with Emily, etc.

Each woman is unique, well written (what we've seen so far), has their own motivations, desires and thoughts, and aren't just vessels with which Brad (and by extension, the player) fulfills his desperate fantasies. It is indeed erotic fiction, and on some level is fantasy fulfillment, but it goes beyond that simple goal into what I would call erotic art.

I am very pleased to see something of this caliber come along, and while I am anxiously awaiting further updates (and a bit disappointed by the delay, as I stated above), I fully believe the result will be worth the wait. I also eagerly anticipate more detail on the more "supernatural" seeming elements I've noticed so far within the game-universe. Well done!

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Re: Episode 6 Delayed

Post by Wolfschadowe » Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:58 pm

Thank you for the feedback VanSinn, and welcome to the forum!

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Re: Episode 6 Delayed

Post by d22249 » Thu May 12, 2016 6:44 pm

Unofficially, is May still a possibility? Based on posts here and elsewhere, I'm wondering if June is even possible, unofficially, of course.

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Re: Episode 6 Delayed

Post by Wolfschadowe » Thu May 12, 2016 10:42 pm

d22249 wrote:Unofficially, is May still a possibility? Based on posts here and elsewhere, I'm wondering if June is even possible, unofficially, of course.
Officially, May is not possible. I could have the Jasmine content ready pretty easily, and have it out to testers in the next few days, but there's not quite enough meat there to justify an episode. The Azumi content is much more meaty, although I've had a problem with an animation crashing the system in mid-render. I'll let that run overnight tonight and I expect it will complete.

As usual, the bottleneck is creating the images, and Daz has suddenly developed the habit of eating save files, making me do rework. I've got a solution for that now with an incremental backup plug-in. Also, I haven't had as much time for rendering as I'd like for the past few weeks. Some activities on the game, such as modeling and writing I can do on my laptop from anywhere, but rendering needs to take place on my render rig, and I haven't had as much time as usual for the past few weeks for that. I've been making steady progress in other areas, but that doesn't help much for getting this release out for May.

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Re: Episode 6 Delayed

Post by JFR » Fri May 13, 2016 2:25 am

Wolfschadowe wrote:... The Azumi content is much more meaty, ...
Yes, we have noticed that Azumi is definitely "more meaty" than Jasmine, especially in certain areas. :shock: (We need a "leer" emoji)

Seriously, this is not what we hoped to hear but rather expected after crs became less available. On retrospect, maybe we all got too greedy, asking for multiple inclusions in one episode. I for one will just take a deep breath and wait a little more patiently.

On the plus side, I went out and bought a new car today - just because I can. ;) So today wasn't all bad.

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Re: Episode 6 Delayed

Post by OpineegChipp » Fri May 13, 2016 3:25 am

Personally, I'd like to see Jasmine get some meat ;) so the wait will be worth it. Great work by the way and it keeps getting better. I appreciate the attention to quality and effort put into this game. I'll be looking forward to the next update.

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Re: Episode 6 Delayed

Post by Wolfschadowe » Fri May 13, 2016 5:32 am

JFR wrote:On the plus side, I went out and bought a new car today - just because I can.
Congrats on the new car!
OpineegChipp wrote: Great work by the way and it keeps getting better. I appreciate the attention to quality and effort put into this game. I'll be looking forward to the next update.
Thanks OpineegChipp! Welcome to the forum!

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Re: Episode 6 Delayed

Post by palinathas » Fri May 13, 2016 12:52 pm

JFR wrote:
Seriously, this is not what we hoped to hear but rather expected after crs became less available. On retrospect, maybe we all got too greedy, asking for multiple inclusions in one episode. I for one will just take a deep breath and wait a little more patiently.

I think the extra wait now will pay off in the long run. If past performance is an indicator, I'm sure we'll all enjoy the future updates.

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Re: Episode 6 Delayed

Post by Ripe » Fri May 13, 2016 2:50 pm

JFR wrote:On retrospect, maybe we all got too greedy, asking for multiple inclusions in one episode.
Maybe we were a bit greedy but it was something that needed to be done. And if it's this hard now, I don't even want to consider how hard (or how long would it take) it would be after several more episodes were added to the game.

Besides, nobody could predict thing would turn out the way they did with crs... with two people working on it, episode would more then likely already be done. So it's just bad luck.

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Re: Episode 6 Delayed

Post by Wolfschadowe » Sun May 15, 2016 5:04 pm

Ripe wrote: And if it's this hard now, I don't even want to consider how hard (or how long would it take) it would be after several more episodes were added to the game.
Later in the game it would take 6 months for EACH of the three inclusions, or a total of 18 months. At this point of the game, we are doing all three in about 6 months. Also, the back-end groundwork on my models that keep track of everything is at the point where it will make future content easier.

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