Emily's max score

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Emily's max score

Post by pcunited » Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:40 pm

Long time player and admirer of the game, first time posting.

Curious, what is the max score for Emily at the current build of the game. I know there's ways to cheat to get the score up, and that each path results in different scoring. So, without cheating, which path will lead to Emily's optimal score and what is that score. Go ahead and list the stat line for all characters

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Re: Emily's max score

Post by JFR » Wed Jan 25, 2017 9:53 pm

Why? What you ask is pretty much meaningless.

The maximum score for any of the characters is completely dependent on which path you are on. It will vary widely by which route you follow and where you are in the game. Emily's "max score" at the end of the Wednesday office scene is 10/3 on the "perfect path" but only 6/3 on the "main path" and 5/3 on the "gentleman path."

As I recall, I had Emily's score up to over 80 on one of the paths when current content ended, if that gives you an idea.

Oh, and welcome to the conversation. :)
Last edited by JFR on Thu Jan 26, 2017 4:54 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Emily's max score

Post by gkingston » Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:50 pm

As JFR said, the optimal score is completely dependent on the path you're on. Certain paths (particularly multi-character paths) will require you to raise points with one character and pass on raising points with another in certain situations. Score also isn't the only variable to be concerned with, either. The game does check score values to determine what scenes to show you, but in addition to that score, many of the actions you take playing the game set other..."flags", I guess is a good term to use. Based on the flags you have set and the various score values you have (friendship, lust, anger, fear) with each of the characters, your playthroughs (and the optimal score you need to progress) can change dramatically. The difficulty setting also affects how much wiggle room you have to get through the score checks, so "optimal" is also dependent on the level of difficulty you select.

Checking through my saves, I had Emily at 84 on one of my playthroughs (a Faith/Emily route), though I don't remember the specifics of how I got that value. Faith was at 49 in that route, Serenthia was at 21, and Jasmine was at 29. I also had another one (which I believe is the Natalie/Emily/Faith "elite" route, if the naming on my save is correct) with Emily at 80, Faith at 53, and Serenthia and Jasmine at the same values.

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Re: Emily's max score

Post by JFR » Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:31 am

JFR wrote:... Emily's "max score" at the end of the Wednesday office scene is 10/3 on the "perfect path" but only 6/3 on the "main path" and 5/3 on the "gentleman path." ...
Quoting myself. That can't be good. :?

Just wanted to add to what I mentioned above - there is one other pretty important path where the scores for Emily at the end of the first office day are actually 3/3. Having that score before starting the evening activities could be a good save to have. And that is all I'll say about that. :twisted:

Also, to be a bit more clear, the 2 numbers I show are "relationship" / "reputation." In other words, the first number is the girl's individual score including reputation and the second is the overall score that everybody has gotten, even the ones we haven't yet met.

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Re: Emily's max score

Post by Wolfschadowe » Thu Jan 26, 2017 4:09 pm

pcunited wrote:Curious, what is the max score for Emily at the current build of the game.
Hi pcunited! Thanks for playing and welcome to the forum!

Here is what I said in a high level Patron forum where someone asked what is the perfect score, but it's applicable here:
Wolfschadowe wrote:Perfect is relative, and varies for the situation. The following are perfect relationship scores for Emily for some of the tracked paths at the end of the bar scene: 24, 33, 36, 40, 41, 42, 48, 49

So...what does that mean? It means a complete re-think about what perfect means. Each of those scores above is the maximum possible points along a specific path. Path is the keyword. Most people will think of it as "What is the most points I can get in the bar?" and that is the wrong question for this game, which is what makes it hard for a lot of people who played games where the only real challenge is to max out the points for every scene.

In BEW there is an additional layer which I call "mood." Now, mood is not happy, mad, sad, glad or rad. Mood is much more intangible in BEW and isn't tied to a specific number. It is tied to a series of 5 numbers, plus relationship, plus reputation, that all work together to determine what one of the girls will do. If a woman is in the right mood, she doesn't have to have as high of a relationship to pass a check.

So if we think about the bar scene a little more. If Brad goes running out of the bar to chase Serenthia, how does that make Faith feel to watch that happen. To watch someone she is interested run after some other woman? That event puts Faith into a certain mood. Did Brad flirt with her? How does that affect her mood? Does she watch or not? If so, does she join or not. All of these things have an effect on Faith's mood in the scene. The key is understanding what motivates Faith and the other women, and using that understanding to help set the proper mood.

So back to your original question, There is a perfect ending for each girl. There is also a Corruption ending for each girl that needs a perfect score for that path. In some cases there are also perfect endings for multiple girls. But perfect is relative to the path, not relative to the scene.
The conversation goes on into further detail, but that is out of scope for the public area. So there is an answer to your question about what is the max score for Emily in the current build, and that's on the EF Elite path, but by the end of the day on Thursday, the EF Elite path will no longer contain the highest score for Emily, as that will be replaced by a different path. There are about 80 major paths in the game that will lead to unique endings, and each and every path has it's own max possible score. The "best" path, which is the one that you like the ending the best on, probably won't have the highest relationship score ending.

That probably doesn't answer your question, but the actual answer to your question would more likely mislead you and cause you a lot of frustration later as you chase a high score. Also...my analysis spreadsheet isn't fully updated for the inclusion content, so I can't just run it to say definitively what the highest score is at this time, but this looks about right.
gkingston wrote:I had Emily at 84 on one of my playthroughs (a Faith/Emily route),
Fun fact: On one path, the highest possible relationship to still succeed with Emily is 22. The lowest possible relationship to succeed with Emily at the end of the Thursday office scene is 15, depending on her mood, of course.

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Re: Emily's max score

Post by Crane » Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:15 am

Wolfschadowe wrote:
Perfect is relative, and varies for the situation. The following are perfect relationship scores for Emily for some of the tracked paths at the end of the bar scene: 24, 33, 36, 40, 41, 42, 48, 49

Eight paths, eight scores. And i don`t see "14" which is the score for one of the major paths i think?
49? It think the highest score i got on my saves is 48. There is a 49. OK. More exploring to be done.

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Re: Emily's max score

Post by pcunited » Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:42 pm

Thanks Wolfshadowe. Again, like everyone else on here, your game is greatly appreciated. As for the question I posed...I want everyone to understand that I know this game is not about getting a perfect score because each path results from choices, not points...(to a degree). However, to spark up conversations that challenge each of us to reinvest time into the game while we await the next episode. As an example, the best path that I've found for a date with Emily and Faith has a score of Emily 80, Faith 50, Natalie 21, Serenthia 24, unknown 21, Azumi 21, Jasmine 30, unknown 21. Sure, it doesn't matter that we need an 80 for that story branch, but is that the max??? The same goes for the other girls...

Side note, who are the unknowns and when do we meet them?

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Re: Emily's max score

Post by JFR » Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:02 pm

pcunited wrote:... Side note, who are the unknowns and when do we meet them?
Ah, but that would be telling. :twisted:

Actually, the names have been mentioned in other threads but I can't recall if they were in the general section or one of the private patron forums. I'll let Wolfschadowe figure that out.

From hints dropped by Wolf, I think we will have to wait until Season 2 to meet the last two ladies, which is roughly Friday/Saturday.

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