Bonus scenes

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Bonus scenes

Post by ut1stgear » Fri Mar 11, 2016 7:31 am

Since I have now opened both of them it seems to me that we should start this thread to discuss them.

Scene 1 gives some back story info on Serenthia.
Scene 2 gives some back story that helps understand interaction between Brad and Emily at the office on Thursday afternoon.

Scene 1 has been discussed in another thread but can't remember which one. The subject didn't deal directly with the scene though.

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Re: Bonus scenes

Post by JFR » Sat Mar 19, 2016 4:07 pm

Without spoiling anything, I think there is much more in the Demo Bonus than just some back story on Sere. If you go through it again with an eye toward artistic details, there is another visual hint to add to what appears in the Intro scene. Plus, the foreign language is another hint and we meet (in a way) another potential girl for Brad to interact with. Also, we hear that the two women seem to know more about the big case Brad and Emily are starting to work on than they do.

The point here is that even though the "bonus" scenes are a pain to open, requiring clearance of all the related achievements, even those on the losing paths, they are much more than just bonus or extra content. They fill in the story, making it much more of a rich tale and not just a text-game. It is really worth the effort to clear the requirements to open up those scenes. Any new players who haven't found the way to the bonus scenes are encouraged to make the effort. It is worth it.

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