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Brad's character

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 12:19 pm
by dutch
Right now we see Brad as the main vehicle to interact with the ladies. His range of options in many cases are wide in some cases are rather restricted. He can be a real cad at times or he can be a perfect gentleman. I'd advise against the perfect gentleman path unless you want to finish the game in 10 minutes with a score of about 5 at your best. So we walk the minefield between those two extremes as we travel through Brads week.

So here's a couple of thoughts to have fun with.

Will Brads character grow and morph in later days giving us wider options?

Will Brad remain a kind of almost "Metrosexual" character and I don't say that in a bad way! Or will he grow to meet the challenges and threats that he may have in his future. Now don't over react to that statement but Brad's character does kind of lean that way, more cultured and refined then a warrior of the world. I don't want him to become a gorilla, but I don't want him to have to Emily along as muscle in case there's trouble. Right now Brads record has a few wins and 3 losses, while Emily has 2 knock outs both Brad! And remains undefeated.

By day 5 or 6 what do you think Brads character will look like? Would we even recognize him as the Brad we have today?

What do you think Wolfschadowe has in mind for him???

Remember don't take offence be nice but lets kick it around a little.

Re: Brad's character

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 8:28 pm
by moskys
Well, Brad will be what the player wants him to be. It seems Wolf has structured the game in a way that every choice forges Brad's character at player's will. So we are the ones who control Brad's character development and then the game will show us the consequences of that behaviour we chose for him. Being a gentleman during the first couple of days, while boring, could result in a broader range of 'lustful' possibilities during the next days (I'm just elucubrating here) and you'll be able to choose if you want to explore these paths or just keep Brad on a gentlemany track and see what happens. You may like that ending, who knows. Also, don't forget it could be a chance for Brad not to get to day 5 or 6 at all :oops:

Re: Brad's character

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 9:39 pm
by Gary1219
This story has been told countless time before. From the beginning of time it has always ended the same way, without fail.

Brad will chase the ladies until one of them catches him. Then ...

Re: Brad's character

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 12:00 am
by dutch
I think you might be wrong about poor Brads future. He may chase the ladies, but in truth I don't think any of them want him, only what they can use him for or to gain. Of course that story is an old one as well.

Re: Brad's character

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 10:17 pm
by Gary1219
dutch wrote:
Thu Aug 02, 2018 12:00 am
I think you might be wrong about poor Brads future. He may chase the ladies, but in truth I don't think any of them want him, only what they can use him for or to gain. Of course that story is an old one as well.
Either way, it is still, "Game Over!"

Re: Brad's character

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:12 pm
by ConradQ
dutch wrote:
Thu Aug 02, 2018 12:00 am
I think you will love D-Bal Max and might be wrong about poor Brads future. He may chase the ladies, but in truth I don't think any of them want him, only what they can use him for or to gain. Of course that story is an old one as well.
I wish there was a different ending, but you're absolutely right, Gary. This scenario is as old as dirt. haha