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Browser recommendation

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 10:21 pm
by JFR
I am stepping out of my usual non-technical role around here to tackle a browser issue. This is not my bailiwick and I hope I don't get in over my head. :roll:

Since the beginning of BEW, Wolfschadowe and Kexter have been pretty good at making the game browser-neutral. We have users playing the game on Edge, Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, a whole host of Apple/Mac browsers I know little about and who knows what else. Pre-release testing is done on Firefox.

Until the last release, the browser selected by users made little difference. With that release, a new feature was introduced to make achievement tracking easier. If you look on the achievement page and hover the mouse pointer over the completion bar for a given achievement, a bubble now will pop up, listing the required sub-achievements and showing progress with check boxes. With this new tool, a player can know exactly which achievements he/she has completed and which are still undone. This is a big improvement over the "old days" when we just had to guess what was missing.

A problem has cropped up with this new feature only. It works perfectly with Firefox but many other browsers will not scroll the lists and instead show only a single "page" of entries for each major achievement. If a given major achievement has more than 12 or 13 sub-achievements, the browser will truncate the list at that point. In other words, you may not be able to see the rest of the longer lists. This is not a failure of the program but rather a limitation of the browser.

Many players will not care about the achievements so this will not matter to them. For those who do care, I am suggesting you solve the problem the way I did. Download Mozilla Firefox and use it to play the game. I still use Chrome for everything else but play BEW in Firefox. It seems to be the only way to make the new feature fully functional. As a bonus, I have found that I like the way the game plays in FF better than in Chrome.

We have no connection with Mozilla. This is just a suggestion to help our players get the most out of the game.

Re: Browser recommendation

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 10:32 pm
by lurking
Good timing, now that Firefox 57 drove me away from Firefox after having been my main browser since its early beginnings as Netscape. :?
Well... still glad to see development updates here. :)

Re: Browser recommendation

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 10:51 pm
by boulimanus
Always liked Firefox since its first pre-release. Although I've locked my version to 47.0.2 and refused to update further (due to changes in extensions support).
Chrome is nice, but that Google control is one step too far for me.

Re: Browser recommendation

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 5:12 pm
by Tao Dude
FireFox is my weapon of choice for browsing. I was a bit hacked off when they stopped support for Flash player, but for the few games and websites that use that, I play in Chrome.

Re: Browser recommendation

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 2:19 pm
by benedict
Flash is working flawlessly in Firefox.

Re: Browser recommendation

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 5:15 pm
by Tao Dude
benedict wrote:
Tue Oct 03, 2017 2:19 pm
Flash is working flawlessly in Firefox.
I think they started supporting it again, but i still can't get games from and others to run in FF, so i have to use Chrome. I used to keep getting Flash has stopped errors in my FF, but it might just be my machine.

Re: Browser recommendation

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 7:46 pm
by sponky76
Working flawlessly for me as well in Firefox. Never actually stopped working for me. Might be cause I'm using a debugger version though.

Re: Browser recommendation

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:58 pm
by Tao Dude
FireFox is my weapon of choice for browsing, but i have had latency issues on a locally held version of BEW that i don't get with Chrome. It seems to be specific to this machine, though, because my laptop runs BEW fine using FF.

Flash keeps tipping up with FF, particularly pussoy games, so i use Chrome for them.