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Re: BEW Work Slowdown and Episode 7 Delay

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:09 am
by JFR
jurasek454 wrote:
Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:21 am
Ahoj JFR. Díky za těch pár povzbuzujících slov, týkajících se data uvolnění epizody 7. Každá naděje nám vleje do žil trochu optimismu ;) ;)
You are welcome. I wish I could be more specific.

Re: BEW Work Slowdown and Episode 7 Delay

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:29 pm
by botc76
You know, and please don't take this the wrong way, I just wonder with the speed the game reached episode 7 in (when it finally is published I mean) and considering where this game stands now as compared to Wolfshadowe plans/what was planned to implement, with the speed it is going right now, this game will maybe be finished in 2025 or something like that.

I'm not complaining. I love the game, I don't pay a cent for it and I absolutely don't claim to be entitle to anything, nor do I feel anything but respect for the team, but whenever I think of the huge delay for this episode, I have to ask myself, will this fantastic game ever be finished?

Re: BEW Work Slowdown and Episode 7 Delay

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:42 pm
by Wolfschadowe
botc76 wrote:
Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:29 pm
I just wonder with the speed the game reached episode 7
Episode 7 is an anomaly. And cursed. heh. Once episode 7 ships, future episodes should arrive in 3-6 months. In fact, Episode 8 is already about half done. Parts of Episode 9 are done. Some of Episode 10 is in advanced planning...etc..

Hang in there folks... :)

Re: BEW Work Slowdown and Episode 7 Delay

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:58 am
by lepotator
WE GOT THIS GUYS. We're almost there. Just gotta hang on for a little bit :mrgreen: :mrgreen: legit, it'll be all the more worth it with all this waiting, so just imagine how good it's gon be when it's here. Thank you BEW TEAM!

Re: BEW Work Slowdown and Episode 7 Delay

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 3:31 pm
by FelixKJ
No news this Friday... next Friday maybe? :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: BEW Work Slowdown and Episode 7 Delay

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 6:05 pm
by JFR
Ok, guys. I don't really have any news. In answer to a question, I did a post over on the Patreon page and I'm just going to cut and paste it here.

" I don't have anything new to report. The full beta has still not gone out to testers. I can see daily progress on the project board and testers are working on individual pages but the last major scene in the episode is still not complete. I haven't spoken to Wolf in several days so am just guessing here but I still think it will most likely be no sooner than mid-September for the beta, late September for the Patron-only early release and no sooner than end of September for the general public release. There are a couple of unexpected bottlenecks in the process and things are just taking longer than anyone could have predicted. I could be wrong here and things might take even longer but I know Wolf and everyone else are committed to overcoming the problems and getting this one out the door as soon as possible. We are all pretty frustrated with how "snake-bit" this episode has been and anticipating future episodes will go much more smoothly. I'll try to drop a note here when I get my beta copy so you will have an idea where we are."

Re: BEW Work Slowdown and Episode 7 Delay

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:16 pm
by Wolfschadowe
Ok folks,

Here's the nitty gritty of it. In another forum, I posted the steps needed for every page here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=362&start=45#p3949

In our tracking board, all pages are summarized as cards, and each card holds an average of 5 pages. Keyword...average. Some cards hold 1 or 2 pages, others hold 20+ pages.

With that in mind, let's look at the current status, from beginning to end in spoiler:
spoiler: show
So maybe someday we can sweet talk Kexter into building a real-time status page that lays all this out in a neat chart or something, but the end result is that there is about 170 hours of work left in this Episode before the Beta test can start. Beta test will last about 1 week, followed by 1 week of Early Access, followed by release to the general public.

So how long is 170 hours?
Hard to say. Remember, nobody works on the project full time. I try to put about 3 hours a day in on the project. Somedays it's only 1, others it's 6, so...
As for the Artists, Writers, and Programmers? Well, their availability varies as well, and I fill in any missing effort if the others aren't available due to things like life. :)

Another factor to consider is that the number is on the high side. Most of the cards are in various states of completion of their stage. For example, most of the pre-write cards are actually 1/3-1/2 way through the Pre-write process. Additionally, many have been written with placeholder images or logic already, and can be considered to be 1/2 or more done with writing, even though it's the next stage. In other words, the actual time remaining could be as low as 100 hours remaining,

One bad news item, depending on how you look at it, is that I need to cut the Campus content out of Episode 7. There is an issue with that scene that will take significant effort to resolve, and I don't want to hold everything up on it. That content will release with, or sometime prior to the Episode containing the Thursday Night strip club which is the next scene in the timeline. Currently that is scheduled no earlier than Episode 10.

I hope this helps to understand the current status a bit better.

Re: BEW Work Slowdown and Episode 7 Delay

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:34 pm
by JFR
Wolfschadowe's explanation above may confuse the heck out of some but it is helping me a lot. Just to add one point, I have referred several times to the one major scene left to do. You can see from his list that the scene, which I haven't named before, is "Wednesday Home." That is a really important scene and has some of the content most anticipated by fans. I have seen the outline and am very much looking forward to playing it.

Based on the new information, I will have to correct my guesses in the previous post. I now don't think we will get the beta before the end of September and the public release probably won't make it this month. :(

This is not good news but fits right in with the way Episode 7 has been proceeding - or not. I know I speak for several when I say I will be very glad to see E7 out and done.

Re: BEW Work Slowdown and Episode 7 Delay

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:59 pm
by FelixKJ
Thanks for the explanation.

I'll check this out on Halloween

Re: BEW Work Slowdown and Episode 7 Delay

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 11:04 pm
by Tao Dude
I would argue that the decision to drop the campus scene is a good one if the issue is intractable and is distracting effort from other work that can be closed out more quickly without it. Who knows, maybe once Ep 7 is done and dusted, the solution will become clearer when there is less pressure on to deliver some content.

Re: BEW Work Slowdown and Episode 7 Delay

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 6:26 am
by dvnh
Thank you so much for this peek behind the curtain. I find that it makes waiting easier when I know the status in detail. (At least we can all stop checking every day for an update.)

Keep up the good work, you're making something really special here.

Re: BEW Work Slowdown and Episode 7 Delay

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 8:24 am
by benedict
170 hours is a full month working 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Considering this is a hobby it will take 3 months.
Somehow I think work got done much quicker when there wasn't so much organization overhead. Also, have you considered cutting back on the number of images? There's no need to change the image slightly with every 2 lines of text. After all, we're here mostly for the story and 5 pictures of the same heroine with a slightly different facial expression won't help much.

Re: BEW Work Slowdown and Episode 7 Delay

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 8:41 am
by JFR
benedict wrote:
Sat Sep 09, 2017 8:24 am
170 hours is a full month working 8 hours a day 5 days a week. ...
That is for one person.

Perhaps a better way to say it would be 100 to 170 man-hours. Divided up among several people, I expect it to be a matter of weeks, not 3 months.

Re: BEW Work Slowdown and Episode 7 Delay

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:28 pm
by Crane
Skip Ep.7. If i remmeber correctly Wolf has said Ep8 is half done, and so is a considerable part of Ep9. If this will continue Ep.11 will be ready before Ep7. :lol: Make it an example for all the future Episodes. Skip it and don`t release it until it has learmed its lesson. :lol:

Re: BEW Work Slowdown and Episode 7 Delay

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:17 pm
by Wolfschadowe
Crane wrote:
Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:28 pm
Skip it and don`t release it until it has learmed its lesson.
Would love to take a belt to it and teach it a real lesson. :D

Unfortunately, it's "Historical." I have to bring the stories up to the least common denominator, which is when Brad arrives home after working in the Office on Thursday. This is the only way to maintain game integrity. So all Azumi/Jasmine interactions from Wednesday Morning -> Thursday Evening must be finished up before Episode 8, or else it will invalidate everyone's saves and achievements requiring a full restart from scratch on everything.
Tao Dude wrote:
Fri Sep 08, 2017 11:04 pm
I would argue that the decision to drop the campus scene is a good one if the issue is intractable and is distracting effort from other work that can be closed out more quickly without it.
The solution is defined, it will just take time and testing. The Azumi Campus content weaves in and out of this scene much more intricately than any other scene. Most others are just a branch of some kind, such as Jasmine at the office, or Azumi at the Strip Club. Azumi alone in the Campus is more like a basket weave, so more time consuming on fleshing out both the story and the logic. It's just going to be more time consuming. Also, since the Campus section is after the Thursday Evening branch point, it can safely be delayed. Finally, even though it's complex, it's relatively small content wise, so can be included in any episode where it's ready. And, just one more decision factor is that future content that depends on the scene is at least a few episodes away, giving padding to finish it up without impacting Episodes 8 or 9.