Is brad a whimp?

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Is brad a whimp?

Post by dutch » Mon Jul 09, 2018 4:54 am

I ask because I see this guy get decked by Emily. Now she was a farm girl which might make her tough but not really super strong. Read that as able to take more punishment then some as farm animals kick much harder then people hit. Trust me you get use to being kicked by horses and cows, getting punched or slapped isn't a big deal!

When he runs in fear and panic from Azumi, not his bravest hour!

He does manage to handle an unruly patron which was great, using his martial arts training! Oddly enough none of that training readied him to block a slap from a girl or remain calm in the face of danger. Must have missed a few classes.

I'm trying to like brads character, but it's not easy.

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Re: Is brad a whimp?

Post by infiniteignorance » Mon Jul 09, 2018 11:54 am

If you've played the game you know there's another scene where it is obvious Brad is not a wimp.

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Re: Is brad a whimp?

Post by Tao Dude » Mon Jul 09, 2018 9:25 pm

Sounds like you are mixing your arguments, dutch.

'Emily was a farm girl', but it was her that hit Brad, not the other way around.

Catch anyone by surprise and they will go down.

Running scared from Azumi is due in part at least to her mind control talents.

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Re: Is brad a whimp?

Post by dutch » Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:35 pm

I'm sorry if I wasn't clear, I'm not trying to mix my argument. I was trying so point out that Emily is likely tougher then average but that doesn't mean she's stronger then normal.

Brad's martial arts training should have taught him to dodge, block and fall in manners to avoid damage. They don't always assume a threat will announce itself. That's why martial arts is a great way to reduce reaction times. That's the early stages of training more so then arm bar take downs and what not. Of course his training may have been binge watching all the Kung Fu Panda movies at one time. We can't tell.

In real training they would have touched on controlling fear to control your situation. No doubt Azumi is something special. But we watch him reduced to fight or flight inside a room where she's in front of the only exit. With no training and no other escape route your movement has to be forward. It just seems odd to me. All this talk about logical choices and no random actions. I'd think Brad would have done something, he didn't even call out. Just seems strange.

Now you mention another place where Brad does something. I haven't scene that yet so I'll keep looking.

Some stuff just doesn't make sense to me. I mean we do the Brad Azumi thing, they do the taxi ride. Brads pretty well up on her abilities. He goes to the office the next day, sees the disappearing lady, checks the tape, proves to himself he was right. Tape goes poof. He doesn't raise any alarm with the gals he's working with? Surrounded by strange on a monumental level, lets Jasmine go to work in the video room alone. Leaves Emily to go the water fountain for a drink. Comes back to her crying. And puts the moves on her???? I'm sorry none of that sounds right to me! With what he knows, he doesn't seem concerned for their safety. Maybe I'm just lost here. But to me this sounds a lot like 2 plus 2 equals blue!

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Re: Is brad a whimp?

Post by JFR » Mon Jul 09, 2018 11:10 pm

As you have been exploring the Coffee Forum, you probably noticed there has been discussion on this issue. I can also say that there are also threads about Emily's strength and Brad's apparent glass jaw in the mid- and top-tier forums as well. You are not the first to wonder about that. :D

It might be worth remembering that both times she clocks Brad, he is caught completely by surprise and by someone he thought of as a close friend. She would be unlikely to take him that easily in other situations.

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Re: Is brad a whimp?

Post by dutch » Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:21 am

I know some people say Emily caught him by surprise. But, you can't grab a woman there and not expect that getting your bell rung isn't a possibility?
I obviously have missed a lot in the game still even though I've found about 80% of the achievements. In truth, I'm starting to tire of looking for them. I'm more or less waiting for the next episode. So far no sign of it. But it shouldn't be much longer. I can tell you playing it as a gentleman this is the most boring game ever invented. You go no where unless you are a pervert or a ho dog. I guess that's why I'm trying to find Brad's good points.

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Re: Is brad a whimp?

Post by JFR » Tue Jul 10, 2018 2:19 am

dutch wrote:
Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:21 am
... the next episode. So far no sign of it. But it shouldn't be much longer. ...
Wolfschadowe just posted a new status update in the Episode 8 thread.

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Is brad a whimp

Post by Cacuada » Thu Feb 07, 2019 8:23 am

Nope never crossed my mind.And another thing,in my opinion i dont think brad went homosexual at the end because remember theirs still shock treatment.Maybe a little bi-curious:lol:

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