Favorite girl

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Tao Dude
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Re: Favorite girl

Post by Tao Dude » Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:45 pm

JFR wrote:
Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:59 am
Jasmine is a cutie alright but wait'll you get a load of the newest lady we have not seen yet, initial "M." She won't be around for a few more episodes but some of the upper-level patrons have seen a test/teaser image and she looks to be definitely worth the wait. To look at and drool over, at any rate. :twisted:
Would it be breaking high-level patron etiquette to tell us whether Miss 'M' (I'll call her Moneypenny, as I am a James Bond fan) girl #5 or girl #8 in the pangyneon, or will we have more to tempt us in later episodes?

Also, and here we go well into the realms of speculation, does the lovely Lorien see the light of day, or is this a one elf show?

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Re: Favorite girl

Post by JFR » Tue Jun 27, 2017 11:29 pm

Well, some of this speculation is Wolfschadowe territory but I'll go where I can with it and let him fill in whatever else he might be comfortable with. ;)

I just remembered that the eighth name has already been revealed in another "open forum" thread so I'll go ahead and i.d. her again. "M" is Muirghael, and I'll let you speculate on the origin of that name.

I think it has been pretty well established that the game will eventually include a total of 8 possible romantic partners for Brad. How the various partnerships might evolve and end up for him is a big part of the "Erotic" part of Brad's Erotic Week. They are listed across the top of the score panel on the screen, although some are still "grayed out." Wolf has been pretty clear that a "happy ever after" ending is possible with some of the choices but rather more problematic with others.

So far, we have met and had a chance to "romance" Emily, Faith, Natalie and to a very slight extent Serenthia, although Brad doesn't know it yet. Of course, we can't do all the girls in any one play-through, thus the replay value of the game. The upcoming "inclusions episode" will add two more, with whom we have already had some opportunities to start building relationships but haven't had a chance to fool around. You will have noticed several conversation "hooks" in some of the scenes suggesting there is more to come in a future episode.

That leaves two more potential lady friends, as yet unknown and unmet, to make eight. Blatant speculation has centered around Samantha (the waitress at Faith's bar,) the mysterious Lorien, whom we met in one of the bonus scenes, the even more mysterious Muirghael (who so far is nothing but a name) or possibly someone else we have not yet met. There could also be other characters introduced along the way beyond the eight.

I think that goes as far as I'm comfortable with. As for other races beyond humans, that is all speculation so far. There is some pretty strong evidence for at least two other kinds of beings and the use of an elven language in the bonus scene pretty much locks that one into the range of "probable," as does the appearance of certain physical features noticed by sharp-eyed players and certain "sneaky" abilities possessed by at least one character. There is also strong circumstantial evidence for the existence of the third race in some of Brad's experiences. Which of the girls fall into which category will be revealed as the game progresses.

There is a lot more to this game than just trying to bang the babes. ;)

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Re: Favorite girl

Post by Wolfschadowe » Wed Jun 28, 2017 2:37 pm

JFR pretty much nailed it. There are 8 romanceable characters identified by the row of icons at the top of the game screen. As for "happily ever after" endings...well, I guess each player will have to determine if endings are "happily ever after" or not, but the potential is there for all 8. Some more difficult than others. Each character has 5-10 "winning" endings. I put winning in quotes because I define winning as reaching the end of the game in a romantic relationship with a girl. Each ending has a "where are they now?" epilogue which is simply a series of pages that tell what happens to the characters later.
Tao Dude wrote:
Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:45 pm
I am a James Bond fan
LIke our dear Mr Bond, who often dallies with more than just the movies main squeeze, there are also a few side romances here and there where Brad can get "lucky" with someone other than the main 8, although those likely won't lead to good results with any of the Mains.

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Re: Favorite girl

Post by Tao Dude » Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:35 pm

Wolfschadowe wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2017 2:37 pm
LIke our dear Mr Bond, who often dallies with more than just the movies main squeeze, there are also a few side romances here and there where Brad can get "lucky" with someone other than the main 8, although those likely won't lead to good results with any of the Mains.
This game is looking to be truly epic in scale, and I can only guess at the creative effort being expended to bring us each episode. I am working on a game myself, and just the planning element is tough, let alone the dialogue and visuals.

Are the books that provide some of the inspiration in print yet, or are they being produced in parallel with the game so as to not introduce too many spoilers?

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Re: Favorite girl

Post by boulimanus » Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:48 pm

Just wanted to throw my 2cents.
So far I reckon all the girls look attractive to some level, but personally it is Natalie who shortens my breathing.
I love short haired women so it makes perfect sense for my personal taste, but her personality is fascinating as well.

Either way, great game with a lot of interesting scenes and situations. So much to play with and discover, there is always a new scene to uncover and keep it interesting.

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Re: Favorite girl

Post by Wolfschadowe » Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:51 pm

Hi Boulimanus! Welcome to the forum and thanks for tossing in you 2cents! :)

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Re: Favorite girl

Post by infiniteignorance » Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:07 pm

JFR wrote:
Tue Jun 27, 2017 11:29 pm
There is a lot more to this game than just trying to bang the babes. ;)
Do we really need more than that? :lol:

In all honesty this is quite possibly the best game of its type and while it's easy to have a personal preference I doubt I'd kick any of them out for eating crackers in bed. :lol:

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Re: Favorite girl

Post by JFR » Sat Jul 29, 2017 8:18 am

Tao Dude wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:35 pm
... Are the books that provide some of the inspiration in print yet, or are they being produced in parallel with the game so as to not introduce too many spoilers? ...
You know, I completely missed this question in my first pass, shortly after it was posted, and I suspect the same happened with Wolf. I only noticed it when I started going through newer posts after my recent "promotion" to see if there was anything that had not been addressed. Obviously there was something. Sorry.

Wolfschadowe has explained that he and the author of the as-yet unfinished novels have a bit of a side bet going as to whether the game or the books will be finished first. Since the game will take quite some time, the books may win but we just don't know. They are old friends and started cooking up the whole story line and concept many years ago. I don't know but rather suspect there was probably a lot of beer involved. :lol: The author has completed one of the proposed series of books but has a contractual arrangement with his publisher that they will not start releasing the books until they are all finished and ready for print. Bummer!

This story is developing into one many of us are looking forward to reading.

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Re: Favorite girl

Post by Tao Dude » Sat Jul 29, 2017 9:44 am

JFR wrote:
Sat Jul 29, 2017 8:18 am
Tao Dude wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:35 pm
... Are the books that provide some of the inspiration in print yet, or are they being produced in parallel with the game so as to not introduce too many spoilers? ...
You know, I completely missed this question in my first pass, shortly after it was posted, and I suspect the same happened with Wolf. I only noticed it when I started going through newer posts after my recent "promotion" to see if there was anything that had not been addressed. Obviously, there was something. Sorry.
No sweat. I picked up as much from reading some of the other threads.

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Re: Favorite girl

Post by Wolfschadowe » Sat Jul 29, 2017 3:55 pm

JFR wrote:
Sat Jul 29, 2017 8:18 am
I don't know but rather suspect there was probably a lot of beer involved.
Some beer, sure, but mostly 2am coffee and pancakes at Dennys.

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Re: Favorite girl

Post by Tao Dude » Sat Jul 29, 2017 10:46 pm

Wolfschadowe wrote:
Sat Jul 29, 2017 3:55 pm
JFR wrote:
Sat Jul 29, 2017 8:18 am
I don't know but rather suspect there was probably a lot of beer involved.
Some beer, sure, but mostly 2am coffee and pancakes at Dennys.
Is that the inspiration for the Natalie Diner scene?

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Re: Favorite girl

Post by Wolfschadowe » Sun Jul 30, 2017 3:01 am

Tao Dude wrote:
Sat Jul 29, 2017 10:46 pm
Is that the inspiration for the Natalie Diner scene?
Maybe subconsciously. :)

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Re: Favorite girl

Post by Shadowofmyself » Sun Dec 17, 2017 10:27 pm

This is subject to change once the game has been finished, but as of S01E07 I would say Natalie followed by Faith. And this is only because there is more of Nat's character written and I really like what I have seen.

In order
  1. Natalie - Model wise and content wise she's my current favorite.
  2. Faith - She reminds me of a mix of some of my best ex-girlfriends, plus redhead.
  3. Jasmine - She seems like a fun lively character, lots of personality. I have trouble seeing a long term between her and the PC, though.
  4. Azumi - She's a mixed bag. If the PC chases Nat, I don't like her. However, when the PC chases her, her vulnerability causes my heart to ache in a mostly good way. And yes, I mean heart.
  5. M???????? - The name leaves me intrigued.
  6. Emily - Doesn't really do anything for me. I like her character but more as a friend than a love interest in most of what I have seen.
  7. L????? - {Making a guess from the Demo Bonus}, she left a slightly favorable impression.
  8. Serenthia - As she is now, she completely pisses me off, I'm sure this will change in the future.

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Re: Favorite girl

Post by dutch » Wed Dec 05, 2018 9:00 pm

Here's something to kick around for a few comments. In the world of the "favorite girls" which one would you like on your side when things go bad and you find yourself in deep trouble! If you like you can even rate them in order. Lets put this in context for you, you survive a plane crash, lost in the mountains in early fall. But you may not be alone, and you may not be safe! The names below are in no set order just there so you can do a quick cut, shuffle and paste. Have fun with it.

Serenthia -

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Re: Favorite girl

Post by ninjakab » Thu Dec 06, 2018 3:53 pm

Early fall doesn't sound like the worst time time be stuck on a mountain. I think farm girl Emily would rise to the occasion. I can picture her with a homemade bow and arrow, fixing dinner.
However it might be better to pick someone with actual supernatural powers. Can Azumi use her powers on animals? Lure them in a trap perhaps

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