Hi everybody!!!!
Here's a game I didn't play yet (I'll do it on the weekend), but everything I read about it says it's fantastic... at least the images I saw are very good ones!!!
So... let's go to it: https://www.patreon.com/polyrotix
Reincarnotica by Polyrotix
Reincarnotica by Polyrotix
Sorry for my English guys... not a native speaker!!!
Re: Reincarnotica by Polyrotix
I can second this recommendation. I tried the game awhile back and found it to have a unique and interesting look. The developer is creating something that is different and quite beautiful.
Re: Reincarnotica by Polyrotix
The dev released the episode 2 in november 25th, so if by awhile back you mean before that day, then you probably played the first release and really should try the new one!!!
Sorry for my English guys... not a native speaker!!!
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