Bugtracker should allow anyone to create issues now

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Bugtracker should allow anyone to create issues now

Post by Wolfschadowe » Tue Dec 22, 2015 8:12 pm

The BEW Bugtracker should allow anyone to create new bugs and issues now. It was always intended, but seems that it was broken if you actually created an account there.

Creating an account allows you to get updates on the progress of the bugs you report via email.
Also, creating issues is good because it makes sure I won't forget about it!

If you try to create an issue, and for some reason it doesn't allow you to do it, please post a message here so that I can look into it.

You should be able to create an issue with or without and account. You can also upload files, such as the debug file, or screenshot. You can also create issues with game ideas and suggestions, continuity corrections and similar things.

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