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Re: Favorite girl

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 12:48 am
by Wolfschadowe
Reanimate wrote:I found this game on a website last night and the furthest I've gone I think is Thursday.
Hi Reanimate! Welcome to the forum!
Reanimate wrote:Anyway, the main reason I've made an account on here is to talk about something that bothers me about one of the characters (sorry).
First of all, never apologize! Constructive criticism is always welcome here!
Reanimate wrote: I myself am a lesbian, so it really bothers me that the game allows you to perpetuate a stereotype that lesbians are only into women until they meet the 'right' guy.
I completely understand what you are saying here, and hopefully, as more of the Natalie storyline comes available, you will find that this is not the case. It certainly isn't intended. It is no way my intention in writing the game to perpetuation that stereotype, although some of the characters in the game might have that same stereotype that gets addressed. There are some routes available in the game where Brad says "I can change her." But I will assure you, those routes lead to failure.

The general philosophy of the game, when it comes to sexual relations is that everyone has a scale of sexuality. I'm oversimplifying, of course, but imagine a scale of 0-100, with 0 being completely heterosexual and 100 being completely homosexual. By the rules of the game universe, where a character falls on that scale is determined by nature/birth whatever and cannot be changed by anyone else's actions. Very few people are considered at one end or the other of the scale, most falling somewhere inbetween. Some characters may fool themselves about where they are on the scale, in both directions. If Natalie was 100 on that scale, Brad would have no chance at all with her, and it wouldn't make sense to include her as a romanceable character. Nobody in the game has their sexuality changed one way or another from where it is set on their birth/creation. However, in some cases, the characters learn more about themselves, and understand their sexuality better, and where they fall on that scale better. If Brad tries to change Natalie, he will fail, in some cases fail miserably. If Brad let's Natalie find her sexuality herself, he has a better chance of success, but considering the way she is wired, it may be a tough slog for anything lasting where both are satisfied.

Re: Favorite girl

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 8:38 am
by EvilChef
ut1stgear wrote:I'm actually caught between Azumi and Serenthia but lean toward Serenthia because she a lot of mystery and intrigue surrounding her that will probably play out through the entire week of Brad's life. So far all of the main female characters, with the exception of Serenthia, have displayed at least some of their goods. Serenthia is still the stuff of your imagination. It would appear that Azumi is going to, in the end, play a minor part in Brad's life, not much more than a one-night stand. If I were to base my favorite on asthetics only then Jasmine would win hands down based on the downblouse.
Mmmm, yeah that downblouse was nice. I have to say i like Jasmine and Emily so far. Natalie seems a bit too far fetched so far. Faith, well i like her, but some of the pics makes her look a bit too skinny for my tastes.
Anyway, we have barely scratched the surface of the story yet, so who knows. I may very well change my mind about Natalie later on...

Also a bit unrelated, but am i the only one that get an Irish wibe from Faith?

Re: Favorite girl

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 4:24 pm
by d22249
I remain faithful to Faith as my favorite, but the gap between Faith, Emily and Natalie is getting to be razor thin.

Re: Favorite girl

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:11 pm
by palinathas
I think I can agree with you on that.

Re: Favorite girl

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 6:11 pm
by Wolfschadowe
EvilChef wrote:Also a bit unrelated, but am i the only one that get an Irish wibe from Faith?
I guess we'll have to wait and see if she has an Irish temper. ;)

Re: Favorite girl

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 1:56 pm
by xsandman78
Natalie's certainly the one that drew my attention both in terms of looks and what we've seen in terms of personality.

Re: Favorite girl

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:04 pm
by aaron1981
I have to say they all have there good points. But were not even that far for me to pick a favorite. After the 2nd date we will see.

Re: Favorite girl

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 9:23 pm
by JFR
I'm really late to this discussion. I've been playing for some time but only joined the forum this week.

For my tastes, the cutest girl we have seen so far is Samantha, the waitress at Faith's bar. The smile she gives Brad when she delivers his beer during the Emily scene is really beautiful and that little mini-dress is sexy as hell. Of course, including her would really bung up the Faith pathways since she works with (for?) Faith. And we know (some of us) that [spoiler]she thinks Brad is creepy.[/spoiler]

I still like her best, followed by Natalie then Faith.

Re: Favorite girl

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:36 am
by botc76
I like them all, but my favourite is Natalie for various reasons.
1. I think she's the hottest babe in the game. Short dark hair and a great body. Sort of like my dream woman if she were real.
2. The idea of her being lesbian, but still liking Brad so much that she gets swayed, while a porn like dream is definitely fun so far.
3. The other girls seem to actively come after Brad, especially Faith, while with Natalie, you have to go after her.

Re: Favorite girl

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:10 am
by OldCuteBoy
Mmh, seems nearly as if I stand alone, but my favorite is Faith ...
But that's more because of my faible for redheads and has nothing to do with the storyline :twisted:

My board would be:

But I love them all in their storylines ;)

Have a nice day

Re: Favorite girl

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:46 pm
by Wolfschadowe

I really enjoy reading this thread and seeing that there is such a variety of likes for the ladies. I've tried to make them all unique, not just in appearance, but also in personality. I don't mean superficial differences either. You know, like some games that quiz you about their favorite color, and their breast size. You know the games... ;)

That means they each have a different appeal to different people, and seeing the variety and quality of impact that they are having tells me that maybe I'm kinda doing it right. heh. Thanks everyone for sharing and I hope to see more!

Re: Favorite girl

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:03 am
by OldCuteBoy
Wolfschadowe wrote: ...

That means they each have a different appeal to different people, and seeing the variety and quality of impact that they are having tells me that maybe I'm kinda doing it right. ...
Well wolf,
I think (and I believe I'm not alone with it,) you do a lot of things right!
The storyline ist great and the different ways are very deep going - that's why most Gamers cann't wait for the next Episode ;)
Also there are no Models with atomic or silicon-atomic breasts, they all seem to be very natural and are very well designed - there should be at least one favorit girl for everybody (perhaps not for "fatty-lovers") ...
And the actually implemented sex-scenes with their different ways are great designed too!

I don't know any other erotic-game, which is figured out that deep, this kind of programing should become standard for the adveenture-erotic-gamescene 8-)
Keep up the good work

greats OCB

Re: Favorite girl

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:15 am
by HolaMola
I think Emily's character arc on the corruption path will be the most interesting. If I'm correct, I think her non corruption path will be the player getting her to push her limits further and further. On her corruption path though I see her becoming more aggressive with the player and starting to take control. Two small scenes from the bathroom stall on the second day seem to hint at this. [spoiler]The first is when she gets you to lick up the cum on her face. Directly after that, when she expresses that she didn't think you would do that, you have the option to say "I'd do ANYTHING for a blowjob" and she replies with "Good to Know". You don't get any points for that response but I think it will trigger her "Dominatrix Mode" in future content for the most extreme change in her behavior.[/spoiler]

So basically I think the non corruption path for Emily could be titled "Good Girl Gone Bad" and her corruption path will be "I've Created A Monster". What I feel would be most interesting about this is on a playthrough if you play the non corruption path, the story is you pushing her limits, but on an alternative playthrough on her corruption path the roles will be reversed, where you as the player are getting your limits pushed by her, so you're the one making decisions on things you may be unsure about. Games like Hot Wife Tara and Living With Temptation have hinted at material like this but I feel that it can really be given some depth in this game.

Re: Favorite girl

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 12:39 pm
by Morgwen

I like the story line from Emily and Faith... but the cutest girl is Jasmine. I always love woman which I canĀ“t get... at least not now... :(

Re: Favorite girl

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:40 pm
by HolaMola
Wolfschadowe wrote: The general philosophy of the game, when it comes to sexual relations is that everyone has a scale of sexuality. I'm oversimplifying, of course, but imagine a scale of 0-100, with 0 being completely heterosexual and 100 being completely homosexual. By the rules of the game universe, where a character falls on that scale is determined by nature/birth whatever and cannot be changed by anyone else's actions. Very few people are considered at one end or the other of the scale, most falling somewhere inbetween. Some characters may fool themselves about where they are on the scale, in both directions. If Natalie was 100 on that scale, Brad would have no chance at all with her, and it wouldn't make sense to include her as a romanceable character. Nobody in the game has their sexuality changed one way or another from where it is set on their birth/creation. However, in some cases, the characters learn more about themselves, and understand their sexuality better, and where they fall on that scale better. If Brad tries to change Natalie, he will fail, in some cases fail miserably. If Brad let's Natalie find her sexuality herself, he has a better chance of success, but considering the way she is wired, it may be a tough slog for anything lasting where both are satisfied.
There was another line of dialogue in the bathroom on Thursday that caught my attention and this reminds me of this.[spoiler]If Brad refuses to lick the cum off of Emily's face, she makes a comment about how if he doesn't like doing it then how does he think she feels about doing it. That's not the actual line but it's the idea of what was going on.[/spoiler] The scene kind of brings up the hypocrisy in many male fantasies, whereby men will encourage a girl to go along with something but wouldn't do it themselves if the roles were reversed.

I think a scene like the one between Emily, Faith and Brad in the bar on day one should be done later in the game, however instead of two girls and one guy it should be Brad, another guy and a girl, with the girl encouraging the two guys to "do things to each other". In this way it gets the point you are trying to make across to the player in a way that shows and doesn't tell. Natalie could try to explain it until she's blue in the face and most men would just ignore it, but if you demonstrate just what is going on in her head by getting the player to experience it, it may in fact resonate.

I'd also greatly look forward to the explosion of angry comments by men on these forums demanding why you would put a scene like that in your game and the inevitable response by you of "Where was all this outrage by these same people when it was a man trying to seduce a homosexual woman?"