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OT: Finding Miranda

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 9:25 pm
by JFR
As an FYI, tlaero and Mortze just released the 3rd game in the Dreaming with Elsa story arc, "Finding Miranda" - to their patrons only. The release date for the public is now firm at 12/24, just in time for Christmas. :D OUT NOW.

I have only started the new game but can report a few things. (1) Mortze's IRay renders are gorgeous. (2) This story is directly related to the first two in the series and contains serious spoilers if you haven't played them. (3) Xara is much more present in this one. (That is the only spoiler I will be giving.) (4) Things are getting very convoluted and interesting. :twisted:

If you haven't discovered this series, it is easily the best available in the AIF genre - aside, of course, from BEW. ;) I strongly agree with tlaero's suggestion to play the games in the order they were released so as to avoid confusion and spoilers. She is right about this. The games are intended to be a long, connected series of stories and should be played - 1- Dreaming With Elsa, 2- Redemption for Jessika and then 3- Finding Miranda. There are some wonderful short stories, released only to patrons, that fit in among the games and flesh out the overall storyline but they are not necessary to enjoy the games.

Very highly recommended!

Links for the first two games in the series:

Re: OT: Finding Miranda

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 12:37 am
by infiniteignorance
The first two were quality games. I'm looking forward to the third one but it will have to wait until I have fewer commitments to other projects.

Re: OT: Finding Miranda

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 1:31 am
by Wolfschadowe
I'll second this (Or third it) I'm a patron myself. If you aren't also...well, go support them :) Without Tlaero, BEW wouldn't exist and this game looks Awesome!

Re: OT: Finding Miranda

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 2:09 am
by d22249
I'm both a tlaero and Mortze patron and am looking forward to this one. I'm stuck in the Caribbean for the rest of the week. :P

Re: OT: Finding Miranda

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 4:30 am
by JFR
d22249 wrote:... I'm stuck in the Caribbean ...
Riiight!! :mrgreen:

Re: OT: Finding Miranda

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:20 am
by botc76
Wow, that'll be one sexy Christmas Eve.

Really looking forward to being able to play this one.

Re: OT: Finding Miranda

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 10:11 pm
by JFR
Well, Christmas came a little early.

Due to some rampant unauthorized sharing on several pirate sites, tlaero felt forced to release the game to the general public immediately rather than wait until 12/24 as planned. She felt it was better to cut into her patrons' perk a little bit rather than encourage folks to get the game from hacker sites that derive income from downloads of what is actually a free game. She is also concerned that she can't be certain that no changes have been made to the download files on those sites. It is pretty sad that a few of her patrons felt the need to go against her wishes and post it but I guess it happens. For those who might be interested, there is a lengthy discussion of this sad affair on the Shark's Lagoon forum.

As mentioned in my first post above, it is HIGHLY recommended that you play the first two games before this one. The spoilers are numerous and important to the story. The on-going story being told by the three games that have been released and those that will follow in the future is an organic whole and quite interesting. See and play them in order. :)

The official, authorized link for Finding Miranda is below. Enjoy.

EDIT: In addition to the games, tlaero has released one of the patron-only short stories that supports and adds to the story being told in the games. It is short but interesting and introduces one of the important characters in the game by showing us her origin. I'll let tlaero explain it in a quote from her release note a couple of weeks ago. This fits between Dreaming With Elsa and Redemption for Jessika but could be enjoyed any time.

"In celebration of Finding Miranda's upcoming release, I've decided to release the short story DwE: Royal Guard to the public today. You can get it from here:

This is a short story that we did for our $10 patrons earlier in the year, similar to
DwE: Learning to Fly

DwE: Royal Guard gives some background on a character you've seen in the previous games, and who has a larger role in Finding Miranda. A small warning, though. This particular story is not erotic (no sex scene) but does have some violence (mostly against monsters). If you're opposed to such things, it may not be right for you.

I hope you enjoy DwE: Royal Guard and look forward to bringing you Finding Miranda in the coming months. Tlaero"

Re: OT: Finding Miranda

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 9:20 pm
by lurking
I must admit that RfJ was really awesome. It will be hard to beat this... :)

/me downloads

edit: Hmm, RfJ was better. But this one has a cliffhanger again. Oh my...

Re: OT: Finding Miranda

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 8:33 pm
by JFR
lurking wrote:... this one has a cliffhanger again. Oh my...
They all have cliffhangers. ;)

Tlaero has said that these individual games are rather like "chapters" in the longer, over-arching story she is telling. Each game/story leads into the next. She won't say how many there are in total but she has it all blocked out and I think there are at least two more, maybe more. If I am seeing it correctly, I think the next central character(s) have already been hinted at in FM. We just have to figure it out - or wait patiently for the next installment. Rather like BEW in that respect. :lol:

Re: OT: Finding Miranda

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 8:36 pm
by lurking
Story-wise I really wonder what happens to Chloe. I just found FM to be rather straightforward instead of the several possibilities in RfJ where you actually could fuck it seriously up. Hmm...

Re: OT: Finding Miranda

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 11:11 pm
by Tao Dude
I found RfJ first, and it didn't spoil DwE overmuch, but FM would easily spoil both if done first.