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Tips from the creator

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 3:45 pm
by Wolfschadowe
Some tips that may be useful to playing the game:
  • Even if things start going wrong, it's generally a good idea to continue playing until the game and/or episode ends. Often you will see new content, get more information about the characters and often also get hints about what went wrong. Other times you will get information that may help you on other paths, or sometimes you may just learn something interesting about the universe. On occasion, you may find that there is a way to recover and continue on a new and interesting path.
  • Easy and Medium levels restrict content and most achievements are disabled, but they can be useful for helping to get to know the characters better.
  • The characters will react differently in many places based on their mood, how much they like you, your reputation, and your actions in the past. Sometimes small things build over time.
  • There are three levels of paths in the game.
    1. Easy paths are generally, well, easy. They have multiple routes to success. These paths are slow burners, meaning that it may be further into the game on these paths before the girls get too naughty. Easy paths will generally converge to a single ending. Failing an easy path usually resorts to losing your relationship with that character.
    2. Standard paths are moderately difficult. They also have multiple routes to success and are considered the main routes for casual players. Failure on a standard path usually drops down to an easy path. Standard paths will converge to a few different endings.
    3. Elite paths are for the hardcore players. The ones who like a challenge. To succeed on the elite paths takes an in-depth, intimate knowledge of each character. Elite paths come in two categories,
      1. Perfect Paths, are exactly what they sound like. Perfect, no mistakes, maximum relationship with a character. A mistake on a Perfect path generally drops the player down to a Standard path. Each love interest has one perfect path. In a few instances, there are perfect paths involving more than one character.
      2. Corruption Paths, are a bit more complicated. These are the hardest paths in the game requiring a familiarity with the character where you know them better than they know themselves, and can give them there innermost desires that they themselves may either be unaware of, or actively repressing. In this context, corruption only means change. A mistake on a corruption path will either end the relationship, or in some cases, end the game. Every character has a single Corruption path, and there are no multi-character corruption paths, although occasionally another character may assist.
  • There are no "gotchas" or "hidden selections" in the game, even on the Perfect and Elite paths. Every selection and option should make sense and be explainable, especially when you know the characters.
  • Each of the women is unique, with different desires, motivations, goals, and personalities. Getting to know them and understand them is critical to success. As the game progresses through the episodes, characters will often reflect on past events and give insight to their reactions. They have their own story-lines and they will progress through those story-lines even if you don't interact with them much. Your actions will influence what happens in their stories to some extent. It will also influence how they react to you later. An easy example is if the criteria are met for Emily to arrive at the Bar on Wednesday, she will do so whether Brad is there or goes to the Strip Club. How Emily reacts to Brad the next day is different based on three possibilities.
    1. Emily didn't go to the bar
    2. Emily went to the bar and met Brad.
    3. Emily went to the bar and Brad wasn't there.
    Obviously there is more to option number 2, but this is an example of one of many background occurrences that can have a strong affect that cascades throughout the remainder of the game.
More to come as I think of them. Share your own advice, experiences and comments here! Also remember, when in doubt, use a spoiler tag.

Re: Tips from the creator

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 12:38 pm
by azzclown
are there any campus scenes in version 1.6.4? if so, what do I need to do?

Re: Tips from the creator

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 1:04 pm
by JFR
azzclown wrote:
Sun Aug 06, 2017 12:38 pm
are there any campus scenes in version 1.6.4? if so, what do I need to do?
This should probably be in its own thread but since I don't know how to move it, I'll address it here. :lol:

Yes, there is a fairly extensive Campus scene in the current version. You need to be on the "Natalie Corruption" path. To get there, go to the Strip Club on Wednesday night instead of the Oak Street Bar and then go to the Couch instead of the bar at the club. You can then have a conversation with Azumi. If you still need more help, go to the hint below.
spoiler: show

Re: Tips from the creator

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 1:20 pm
by azzclown
thanks for the hint

Re: Tips from the creator

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:35 pm
by azzclown
hate to bother you,got azumi up to 24 points and she denied my call,played yesterday for hours,I'm hooked on this wonderful game,just focusing on acheivments now,I've had relations with all women available,going back and focusing on storyline

Re: Tips from the creator

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:38 pm
by Wolfschadowe
azzclown wrote:
Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:35 pm
denied my call
Hint in spoiler.
spoiler: show

Re: Tips from the creator

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:46 pm
by azzclown
thanks,it's awesome how much thought you've put into this game

Re: Tips from the creator

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 4:01 pm
by JFR
azzclown wrote:
Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:46 pm
thanks,it's awesome how much thought you've put into this game
Big time!

In case it isn't clear yet - Major Spoiler ahead!
spoiler: show

Re: Tips from the creator

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 5:51 pm
by azzclown
I was able to get quite a few achievements,thanks again for your help and not giving anything away

Re: Tips from the creator

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 2:00 pm
by azzclown
I'm not that computer savy,which leads me to this question. I'm currently playing latest version on gamcores channel. When the updates I've read about are made,will this version automatically be updated?

Re: Tips from the creator

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 2:35 pm
by Wolfschadowe
azzclown wrote:
Tue Aug 08, 2017 2:00 pm
I'm currently playing latest version on gamcores channel.
We provide the updates to gamcore and playforceone. Whether or not they apply those updates, and how long it takes them to make the updates are entirely up to them. You can always download the latest version from the BEW Vault.

Re: Tips from the creator

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 2:39 pm
by JFR
Just as an FYI, I have found from the beginning that downloading and playing locally works much better for me. You might want to try it while you still have your existing game safe at the on-line site.

Re: Tips from the creator

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 3:20 pm
by JFR
Note that if you download the game, it will be zipped up in archive format and must be unzipped before it can be played. That is pretty simple but if you are unsure, drop a note and one of us will walk you through it. It just takes a minute.

Re: Tips from the creator

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 5:42 pm
by azzclown
Appreciate it,I tried to open it and there was an error

Re: Tips from the creator

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 6:31 pm
by JFR
azzclown wrote:
Tue Aug 08, 2017 5:42 pm
Appreciate it,I tried to open it and there was an error
Yes, that means it has not been unzipped. Assuming you are using Windows 10, try the following. If you are using another OS, let us know what.

1. Prepare a new folder for the game. I have one in my "Games" folder labelled "BEW." Anything that you wish will work.
2. Move the archive file you downloaded into that folder.
3. Right-click on the archive file and select the option to "Extract All." I'd just select "here" for the location to put everything in the BEW folder.
4. After the files are extracted, you should see a couple of folders named "assets" and "files", a "readme" file and a "Start.htm" icon.
5. To start the game, double-click on the "Start" icon. I like to use the Right-click/Send to/Desktop command to put a game icon on my desktop from which to start the game without searching for it each time.